This is a quick demonstration of how to fill out a simple face map in an underground gold mine. There are lots of variations of face maps at different mine sites with some more complex ore bodies requiring you to map the walls and backs with each face, take multiple structural measurements or have an in-depth geology description, but this mapping template is quite good for your run of the mill standard narrow vein quartz which is sub-vertical to development.
The map includes information about face basic information, a diagram or map, dimensions, survey location, sample ID’s and information, assay information, geological information face averages, coordinates and validation tick boxes. All required information on any underground face map.
I also mention about taking duplicate samples within the ore and whether these can be used in production data to get a more representative grade (not to be confused in modelling).
Do you have any other things you include on your underground face map at your mine site? Or would like this template, please contact us.