
Mining Sector News

Finding Clients – Word of Mouth vs Online Advertising

Word of mouth and online advertising are both influential marketing strategies for technical mining consultants and contractors, each with its own strengths and applications.

Word of Mouth:

  • Trust and Credibility: Word of Mouth relies on personal recommendations, which tend to be trusted more by consumers. People often turn to friends or family for advice when making significant purchases.
  • Impact on Sales: It can have a substantial impact on sales, especially for new or expensive products/services.
  • Consumer Engagement: Word of Mouth can generate strong consumer engagement through shared experiences and stories.
  • Principles for Success: Principles like social currency, triggers, emotion, public, practical value, and stories can maximise word of mouth potential.

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Online Advertising:

  • Wider Reach: Online advertising can reach a broader audience, including those beyond the advertiser’s immediate network.
  • Engagement: It is often more engaging due to the use of visuals and interactive elements.
  • Control and Speed: Advertisers have more control over the message and can disseminate it quickly.
  • Measurability: The impact of online advertising can be measured more precisely, allowing for optimisation of campaigns.

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In practice, a combination of both strategies can be very effective. While word of mouth can provide a solid foundation of trust and credibility, online advertising can expand reach and provide measurable engagement metrics. Marketers often aim to create a synergy between the two, using online advertising to amplify positive word of mouth and using word of mouth to provide authenticity to their online presence.

At Mining Pages, we recommend using a combination of both methods for finding clients as a technical mining consultant or contractor, but we have a strong emphasis on online advertising which can be used in conjunction with your network to broaden your reach.

For a small annual fee Mining Pages can enhance your online visibility and presence, increase brand awareness, make sure you are easily contactable and provide affordable advertising and targeted marketing. By using the specialised filters mining companies can find the right consultant for the job and you can be a part of this unique approach to marketing in Australia’s mining industry.

Author Bio

Jordan Biglin – Founder and CEO

Jordan is a freelance geologist, with over 10 years’ experience in gold focused operational, developmental and exploration roles in Western Australia and Alaska.

Jordan founded Geolance – a freelance geology service in early 2023. From Geolance, another idea formed, Mining Pages – an online directory created specifically for technical mining consultants and contractors.


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