
Full Name: Brett Davis

Company: Olinda Gold Pty Ltd

Occupation: Geologist
Education: PhD - structural geology
Professional Memberships / Affiliations : Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists, Member of the Geological Society of Australia
State: WA


Brett is widely regarded in the international exploration and mining industry for his application of applied structural geology to numerous commodity types and mineral deposit styles. The approach Brett has brought to understanding mineralising environments globally is a product of the integration of modern structural geology and techniques married with several decades of applied research. Brett has held various technical and senior managerial roles at consultancy groups and in mining and exploration companies prior to running his own international geology consultancy, Olinda Gold Pty Ltd. In addition to consultancy assignments, Brett runs a modular structural geology training course that can be tailored to individual sites/companies or presented in a multi-client environment. Brett currently holds an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow position at James Cook University. He is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists. He is also the geological content editor for Coring Magazine, the world’s largest drilling magazine.




+61 (0)419 933 639


