
Full Name: Jarrod Ramadan

Company: Metals & Mining Assets PTY LTD

Occupation: Mining Engineer
Education: Bachelor of Engineering, Mining.
Professional Memberships / Affiliations :
State: WA


We provide professional mine management and mining engineering consulting / contracting services for the mining industry. Highly skilled in both open pit and underground operations, our team of professionals are here to help.



iron, precious-metals


Capital Cost Estimation, Contractor Management, Cost Analysis, Department Management, Development Scheduling, Dilution Control, Drill and Blast, Due Diligence, Feasbility Studies, Fleet Requirements, Life Of Mine Planning, Long-Term Planning and Scheduling, Medium-Term Planning and Scheduling, Mine Dewatering, Mine Fleet Optimisation, Mine Services Design, Mining Studies, Open Pit Mine Design, Operating Cost Estimation, Pit and Dump Progression, Pre-Feasibility Studies, Project Management, Project Risk Assessments, Quarry Management, Safety Inspections, Safety Investigations, Scoping Studies, Short-Term Planning and Scheduling, Stope Design, Stope Optimisation, Strategic Cost Reviews, System Implementation and Optimisation, Training and Mentoring, Underground Mine Design, Underground Mine Optimisation


Deswik.AdvUGC, Deswik.AdvUGM, Deswik.IS, Deswik.Sched, Maptek Vulcan, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, RINGKing, Scheduler, Shotplus, Surpac, Ventsim

Development Stage

Resource Development, Open Pit Production, Underground Production


Professional, knowledgeable, reliable and trustworthy. Jarrod has an owner-mindset with a commitment to safety and delivery of the key value drivers of the project. Is a strong leader and great team member. Luke Creagh, Managing Director Ora Banda Mining



