
Full Name: Jun Cowan

Company: Prestologic Pty Ltd

Occupation: Geologist
Education: BSc(Hons); MSc; PhD
Professional Memberships / Affiliations : FAIG, FAusIMM, FSEG, FGSA
State: WA


I am an experienced structural geological consultant specialising in the interpretation of mineral deposits at the deposit-scale through the processing and interpretation of drilling data. This scale of observation is crucial for mining operations and advanced exploration sites, yet is often neglected by traditional structural consultants. As the conceptual founder of Leapfrog software in 2001, I have utilised it to interpret and model over 600 deposits across various commodities worldwide. From this experience, I have learned to quickly identify recurring mineralisation patterns directly from raw drilling data without interpolation, which can introduce artefacts. I continue to develop advanced software methods for processing and interpreting such drilling data to enhance exploration and mineral resource estimation outcomes. I offer consultancy services through Prestologic and teach my analytical methods via Orefind, using my proprietary software OREFIND, which participants can access during and after my practical course.



base-metals, precious-metals, speciality-metal


Geological Modelling, Geological Opinion, Historical Data Review, structural geology, Technical Guidance, Training and Mentoring


Leapfrog Geo

Development Stage



The following is a statement I made in reference to professional authenticity on social media. Jun is a great example of an authentic, honest and forthright scientist. A man who analyses, solves and publishes his thoughts, whether on social media, in a professional text or in simple discussion. Always authentic. "Some people simply don't want to hear the truth Jun Cowan. Your truth. Doesn't fit their technical narrative (threatens ego), or worse, doesn't fit the narrative they have sold to themselves and others (threatens ego and market valuation!). The reason, the essence of why I sought you ought specifically for your counsel, for our company, for our highgrade gold discovery at Never Never was to hear your unedited truth. You have seen more raw datasets and deposit styles than I think I ever will. You developed an amazing tool to assist in visualising trends within that data. A good proportion of our industry still uses a derivation of that tool and most don't even know you did that. You. Amazing. You requested simply point data, no bias, massive respect. You proceeded to educate myself and my whole team. You made us better with your output and we very much appreciate your input to our key project. Simple. Keep being you Jun. You are an honest, unapologetic and unwavering personality and we love it. I love it. You are a truthsayer and thank you for being you." #truthsayer Simon Lawson, MD/CEO of Spartan Resources Ltd and big fan of Jun Cowan.
Recently I had the privilege of getting Jun Cowan’s input into a project. It was refreshing how quickly Jun saw the key structural influences. Although there are plenty of structural components Jun’s analysis allowed certain aspects likely to be influencing mineralisation to be weighted appropriately, “forest from the trees” type of thing! Importantly what flowed from this insight was that Jun was able to place a fresh light on the geochemical anomalies within the projects overall structural context. The clarity from such data analysis allowed Jun to outline a potential concept and target area worthy of follow up. If you have a structural problem or just some fog surrounding your project contact Jun for some clear no fuss guidance. Jun I’m looking forward to our next iteration. Brent Laws, Exploration Manager, Taruga Minerals
I supervised Jun at SRK from 1999 to 2003, and subsequently worked closely with him during his employment with Zaparo. Jun has made significant contributions to the Minerals Geoscience profession in the fields of applied structural geology and the development of Leapfrog 3D software. His work has always been of the highest professional standard. Dr Cam McCuaig, Head of Geoscience Excellence at BHP Resource Centre of Excellence


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